This is John, Director of Public Relations @theportal0, pretty sure we owe you a short introduction here📺

700+ Positive Reviews and More in the Making✊


Hello And Thank you 🙏🏼 to All of our followers from Every Corners around the World 🌍

Our Store is ThePortal0, we are a group of people who quit their jobs to pursue our love for toys. (we are about 27ish👴🏼)

We used to buy individual beyblades from all over the world, but some common problem we found are quite frustrating; Quality and Communication. A large portion of foreign sellers are incapable of communicating with customers👩🏻‍💻 👨🏻‍💻; on top of that, in order to lower the shipping cost, they often time ship the order with fragile material, like envelopes, and it honestly hurts to see Beloved toys get crushed🚜

All of us have had a long passion for beyblades, and we took a chance and came up with a solution to solve this problem.👩🏻‍🎓 👨🏻‍🎓 


1. Speaking for myself, I personally designed and customized cardboard boxes, and went to every single manufacturer to find the quality cardboard boxes that can withstand the harsh condition of international shipping, giving bey lovers the quality they deserve 🎁


2. We have a member specializes in photography📸, and he is responsible for creating detailed content so customers and better examine the details in each beyblades, because we found that most images found online are either blurry or 2-dimensional, we found this irritating when we were trying to put stickers on beyblades (like, so....where does this piece go..... you know)


3. Communication📲, we think that is the most important part of every purchase, the buyer must be able to have a steady and open communication with the seller, otherwise it creates uncertainty. Therefore, we provide 24hr customer service all year round :) We are dedicated to bring the fun and excitement back in buying beyblades, and burst away the troublesome envelope-shipping and poor-communication bad experiences.

Please. Join the Beyblade Revolution ⚔️ 🛡with ThePortal0

Nice to meet you! If you have any question, feel free to contact us!